Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here you'll find the answers to many of your most common questions about our school.
- Does Harmon Elementary have a student council?
- How can I become a volunteer at my child’s school?
- How can I get a message or item to my child?
- How can I make my child’s birthday special?
- How can I update my contact information?
- How do I enroll my child in the before and after school program?
- How much does breakfast and lunch cost? How can I pay online?
- Is physical education offered at Harmon?
- May I call my child’s teacher?
- May I visit my child at school?
- May my child ride a bicycle, skateboard, or scooter to school?
- May my primary age student walk to or from school?
- What are the school hours for Harmon Elementary?
- What are the school hours for kindergarten students?
- What if I need to pick up my student early from school?
- What if my child need medication during school hours?
- What is the Arizona Tax Credit and how do I make a contribution?
- What is the Jack Harmon Elementary School dress code?
- What should I do if my child is absent?
- When are parent/teacher conferences usually held?
- When is a student considered tardy?
- Where can I find a copy of the Harmon Family Handbook?
- Where do I pick up my child after school?
- Where is the lost and found at Harmon Elementary?
- Where will students who walk home be dismissed?
- Who do I contact if I have a concern about my child’s teacher?